Welcome to SFS Senior Secondary School


Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi


The students are given opportunities to select their area of interest and with the consent from parents they are allowed to join the different co-curricular activities. The Classes are arranged with an intention to make the students improve their skills other than learning. Special training is also provided for students who want to take part in any of the competitions. The classes are conducted by our own staff as well as external faculties. The activities are taking place according to the time table allotted to the students and staff. The different CCA include Drawing and Painting, Yoga, Training on Vocal Music as well as Musical Instruments like Violin, Guitar, Thabala and Keyboard, Dance and School Band Troupe.

Green Army:

The aim of green army is to make our School campus eco-friendly. The school green army volunteers are getting training from Trivandrum Corporation. The green army is deployed to maintain a plastic free campus. The waste management is controlled by the volunteers with the help of supporting staff of our school. Different bins are placed for collecting different types of waste and are disposed in an eco-friendly manner. Green army works in collaboration with Nature Club.
